My favorite "Internet writer", the man known only as Delicious Tacos, lost his best friend. It was a Los Angeles death by narcissism; my right to own a pitbull doesn't stop at your pet's life. Intellectually I know how DT feels; I can remember crying over animals as a kid and even as an adult. I've had nine cats in thirty-five years. Somehow, when my son was born all my empathy for animals was switched off like an overhead bulb in a locked closet. I used to get upset just reading about abused animals. Today I could probably twist a kitten's head off with my bare hands then have a Frosty. There's not much room in this three-sizes-too-small heart. Something arrives, something else has to leave. But if you've ever slept next to me then you probably know that already.
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"When night comes and the wind blows in over…
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My favorite "Internet writer", the man known only as Delicious Tacos, lost his best friend. It was a Los Angeles death by narcissism; my right to own a pitbull doesn't stop at your pet's life. Intellectually I know how DT feels; I can remember crying over animals as a kid and even as an adult. I've had nine cats in thirty-five years. Somehow, when my son was born all my empathy for animals was switched off like an overhead bulb in a locked closet. I used to get upset just reading about abused animals. Today I could probably twist a kitten's head off with my bare hands then have a Frosty. There's not much room in this three-sizes-too-small heart. Something arrives, something else has to leave. But if you've ever slept next to me then you probably know that already.