Few things in life, other than my son (and my new 2022 F-250 Platinum 7.3 4x4) (and my new(ish!) 2019 Radical SR8 Generation 3), have given me as much joy as watching the much-ballyhooed Twitter Quitter movement among automotive journalists (and other completely feckless people) completely implode inside seventy-two hours.
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Weekly Roundup: You Can't Quit You Edition
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Few things in life, other than my son (and my new 2022 F-250 Platinum 7.3 4x4) (and my new(ish!) 2019 Radical SR8 Generation 3), have given me as much joy as watching the much-ballyhooed Twitter Quitter movement among automotive journalists (and other completely feckless people) completely implode inside seventy-two hours.