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The people in charge are not stupid. They're either CIA or foreign actors. This is simply another 'color' revolution that our CIA is so good at instigating and either they're doing it here now to us, or some other government has been taking notes.

As for the actual antifa folks out on the streets? Yeah, they're that stupid. And no, they don't know any history they do not believe that socialism/communism has ever been attempted before. Not ever.

I've met these people. They are so incredibly brainwashed and unable to think for themselves it's sad. The fact that they're all losers in life helps tremendously. They're just greedy little fuckers who believe that they'll be the ruling class when it's all over.

Not realizing that when it's all over, they'll be the first put up against the wall because they don't contribute a damn thing to society at all.

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