No F1 this week so we’ll open this up to the broader ACF community to talk about whatever’s on your mind — including racing, of course. But first, a Special Advertising Section!
Join the elite community of Denali owners!
Your humble author’s new 392-powered hood-mobile is coming straight outta Brampton this week, so it’s time to sell a truck.
As some of you will recall, I bought this, and felt very lucky to have done so, in January of last year. After its build in St. Louis, it sat in a lot for a while waiting for heated seats, which is why I took delivery of a 2021 truck in 2022. Sticker price, which I paid without complaint, was $46,200. It has 39,700 miles, most of them racked up on I-71 between my old house and my current one. I’ve used it to tow the Radicals on a small aluminum trailer, so under 2,000 pounds total.
Carvana will give me $33,900 for it, which suggests they’d be selling it for $38k. Any ACF reader can have it for $33,500. Trackday Club members can have it for $33,000 flat. Price is FOB in Morrow County, Ohio, but I will deliver to most places. No accidents, no stories. I will replace the windshield before you take delivery, because it got cracked about three weeks after I bought the damn thing!
Reasons to buy it:
You want a nearly-new compact GM truck with a V-6, because this is basically the last of them. The “Next Generation Canyon” has the 2.7-liter 4-cylinder as the only powertrain choice, and it hasn’t proven reliable in trucks.
You want a truck that can do 95% of fullsizer duty in daily use without the parking hassles or fuel mileage annoyances. This Canyon gets 22mpg in mixed conditions. It also corners remarkably well, thanks to serious-size tires.
The basic combination of white truck with black interior works for you.
You want basic “luxury” features — heated/cooled front seats, decent leather, reasonable-quality sound system — without the “safety suite” GM is putting in the new trucks.
Reasons not to buy it:
You hate General Motors and GMC for entirely valid and justified reasons, of which there are many.
You really need a full-sized truck.
You already own an F-350 Limited.
But wait, there’s more! Depending on your hobbies, any paid ACF member is eligible for a little bonus item to be discussed. Some of the options include:
Vintage japanese guitar and VOX Valvetronix amp
Full Metal G-Shock or two Moonswatches
Your choice of Beyerdynamic DT770 or DT880 headphones
An original Benchmade 975SBT
If you’re interested, let me know within the next week or so. Otherwise, I’ll probably get my dealer to match Carvana so I can avoid $2,400 of sales tax on the new car.
Other stuff that’s going on
Ohio defeated Issue 1, which would have raised the bar for amending the state constitution to 60%. The polls suggest that this fell solely based on the idea that it would prevent easy access to abortion, which appears to be the main issue on the minds of women nowadays. Isn’t it odd that so much of our current political discourse revolves around having the ability to kill people, whether in the womb or via a mint-condition Colt Python with 6” vented barrel, in Royal Blue? That being said, I was for Issue 1, because I think amending a state constitution should have a higher bar than 51% of whatever the poll machines say. The constitution is there to preserve the state, not for adjustment via whim. Pretty soon you’ll have a constitutional right to buy Black&Mild cigars for dealer cost, or maybe a constitutional right to touch the strippers.
It doesn’t look like Ukraine is going to win the war, does it? Which means the United States spent seventy-six BILLION DOLLARS on a bad bet. That’s a lot more expensive than giving every child in America a free lunch, but on the positive side those kids are probably too fat already.
Fat Brad Brownell is back in the media game, heading to his first motorcycle press preview on behalf of RideApart. That’s not necessarily interesting to anyone, but the story of RideApart kind of is. The site was founded by Jon Alain Guzik, whom everybody in the business knows as a sort of gadfly/business-adjacent person, and Wes Siler. Most of the actual work was done by a young rider named Sean Smith. When Wes crashed his motorcycle in the canyons, Sean literally carried him out of the wilderness and saved his life. Siler and Guzik apparently rewarded him for this by having him work for free, without health insurance, until he ran out of money. Then Sean got hurt in a canyon crash and his “friends” mysteriously disappeared from his life. Then Guzik somehow fucked Wes over the same way he and Wes had teamed up to fuck Sean over, stealing Wes’s heath insurance or something like that, and maybe also not paying him, the details aren’t clear. Wes took this very hard, because he apparently has the long-term memory of a fish. Around that time, Wes got scared during a motorcycle ride and video-recorded himself crying in his helmet. Then Wes got a vasectomy for climate change. Then Wes let his wealthy wife buy him a $100,000 custom Land Cruiser… also for climate change. Wes is no longer affiliated with RideApart, but I think Fat Brad is a good replacement. Both of them are massive cowards, fantasists, wanna-be tough guys, and astoundingly bad writers who have somehow fixated on motorcycles as the method by which they’re going to define themselves. There’s just one little problem with that: those bitchin’ ads for the Honda Nighthawk “S” aside, getting on a motorcycle doesn’t change who you are.
Alright, that’s our Wednesday. Got something to sell? Something to get off your chest? You know what to do.
Does anyone need fasteners?
My father runs a fastener distribution company and can probably get you what you need. Chrome, stainless, polished stainless, even aluminum and titanium are available, among others. SAE and Metric. No minimum order.
Drop us a line at 519-727-4848!
You can also message me on here whenever if there's anything you're looking for as I always have this page open.
Question about the new, Final Year 300C: Is it quiet?
Drove a Challenger once, rented from Budget, and it was LOUD. At all times.
is it refined quiet cruiser below 2000, 3000 rpm?