It’s the most wonderful time of the year — namely, last-minute Christmas shopping! Leave your suggestions for Made In The USA gifts below; I’ll offer four suggestions based on the above photo.
KeyBar Revolving Pen Holder
Want to keep all your pens in a delightful, USA-made, perfectly-smooth, rotating holder? Then you want the KeyBar QuickDraw. Want to make it yourself using a mill, and you don’t need it to rotate? Here you go.
SCUDO Pen Lander
Similarly priced is the SCUDO Pen Lander. It doesn’t rotate but it’s more complex and space-age-looking.
TactileTurn pens
Sadly, Kelvin at Smooth Precision Pens (previously Urban Survival Gear) gave up and sold his stuff to a European manufacturer. Which leaves TactileTurn as our preferred USA-made boutique pen. Available at price points from $99 to $1299, TactileTurn offers four major variants and many variations on color and material beyond that.
Cambria Golden Dragon
Your humble author was once a “Corian man” but lately has inclined towards Cambria. Their newest pimped-out Made-In-The-USA solid surface is “Golden Dragon”. You can buy it for your own projects here.
17 days left…
Leave your suggestions below. Let’s make it a Made In The USA Christmas!
Christmas gift?!
Everyone acted a fool this year. There are several people whose main Christmas gift will be me not slapping the shit out of them: my relative who got arrested for firing a gun in a crowded bar over a wannabe gang friend who left a half-assembled, 800-lb CNC machine in my garage for far too long...the mechanic who used zip ties to put my inner front CV boots on, instead of metal clamps...
But these are nice, Jack.
Correction. Two and a half weeks is not last minute. For most men, that's almost ridiculously early.