Weekly Roundup: Just One Thing That Bugs Me Edition

The Mighty $1,800 Literbike-For-Old-Men is proving to be quite the amusing thing. Two weeks ago, while I was off driving around in New York and Monterey, my co-owner did a complete service on the bike and polished it up. I bought some inner fairing liners; he bought a Yoshimura carbon-fiber slip-on. Total cost of the bike is now in the $2150 range. It just rides so well that I had to give it a twenty-mile late-night run last Tuesday, with the result that you see here: a fly that was Ram Aired through the SAI vents in my Arai RX-Q into my glasses just as the speedo climbed past the 120 mark. It felt like a mild slap to the face.
There's no way we're going to be satisfied with just one FZ-1. The question is how we should rectify the situation. Another first-gen FZ-1, in better shape? A lightly-used second-gen? One of the leftover 2014 models cluttering Cycle Trader for $6500 plus tax and title? Talk about first-world problems.
While I ponder the future of my 998cc Yamaha stable, why not check out all the stuff that helped pay for it?
My brother's two regular features, Ask Bark and Bark's Bites, each had strong response from the readers this week. I can't adequately express my pride at how quickly Bark has developed into a crowd favorite. I had to really twist his arm to get him to start writing a few years ago. He's now basically a franchise-level player in the online autowriting game. Anybody who hired him would see a significant uptick in traffic as a result.
I also participated at TTAC this week, asking readers to weigh in on a controversial Tesla video, opining a bit on unnecessary GMC trim levels, and taking a shot at quasi-intellectual clickbait.
For Road&Track, I offered a modest proposal to Volkswagen and wrote a road test of the Lexus RC-F super-coupe.
Check back this week, as I take a brief break from Yamaha-part shopping on eBay to take a shot at figuring out why the coil in my home air conditioner keeps icing up.