Weekly Roundup: Here Are The Snowflakes Of Yesteryear Edition

All the guys Who really have the money Are too old To have a good time with it
My local shop has two ZX-10RR Winter Livery Editions in stock. I'm now of an age where I could easily finance it --- three hundred bucks a month would take it home. Another 125 a month to insure it on the months where it actually leaves the house. You could barely buy a Camry SE for that kind of money.
Alas, it's painful for me to just sit on the bike in the dealership. The idea of a hundred-mile ride, or even a ten-mile commute? It doesn't bear thinking about. The ZX-10RR is more uncomfortable than my BMX bikes, and by a long shot. Plus I have my ZX-14R which is faster, at least in a straight line.
Still. These things are cool. Or maybe they're not cool to anybody who can actually ride one. Maybe those kids would rather take an Uber to a Tinder date than ride a ZX-10RR up a canyon road. Best not to think too much about it.
At TTAC, Brother Bark gives you the scoop on miserable FIAT dealers while I talk about automated ways to beat a ticket or get a divorce.
At R&T, I give you the scoop on the 2019 Miata and show you the future of motorcycle infotainment.
As you can see from the last of these articles, my ZX-14R is now out of winter hibernation and ready to roll. Yesterday I put fifty miles on it without any joint pain. So much for the snowflake double-R. I'd better stay in my lane, huh?