Weekly Roundup: Evacuate? At Our Moment Of Triumph? I Think You Overestimate Their Chances Edition

Haven't we seen this image before? Yes we have. But in the end, Mrs. Clinton had far more of Governor Tarkin in her than she did Emperor Palpatine. Oh well. Life goes on. Participation trophies will be handed out to protesters. Hot takes and think pieces will proliferate. And the media will reap in fair and foul, as it always does.
Meanwhile, Bark and I will continue to earn our daily bread. Click to see what we've written this week. And Huma, if you're reading this --- get at a brother, why dontcha. I've always wanted to sleep with an actual Saudi secret agent.
Buy new or fix used? Bark considered the question at TTAC this week before discussing the "electoral college" of the auto market.
At R&T, I considered branding before praising the seemingly superfluous badge on the back of the old Accords.
For TTAC, I reviewed a very expensive motorcycle and suggested a really cheap car.
That's all for now. To my friends who are dismayed by a Trump victory, I would suggest that the country survived Mr. Obama and it will also survive Mr. Trump. It's just hard for young progressives to understand that. They've grown up in a one-party state. Who would have thought that the rebels had it in them to destroy the Death Star?