Weekly Roundup: Clocking Lots Of Dollars Edition

"While the overall appearance of the clock was the result of careful consideration by our in-house design team, one of the most exciting details we have to share about the HODINKEE Eight-Day Travel Clock has to do with its typeface." Better buckle up, kids.
Robert Farago detailed the evisceration of HODINKEE's latest cash grab on his site, but I feel it's worth taking a moment to properly appreciate the absurdity of the thing: HODINKEE decided to charge $5,900 for a wind-up travel clock with a movement that can be found in thrift shops for fifteen bucks. The most exciting thing about this $5,900 wind up alarm clock is... the font used on the face of the thing. It should also be pointed out that a travel alarm clock is not exactly the most, ahem, woke thing to be selling in July of 2020, when most people are not in a position to seriously consider travel of any sort, much less the sort of travel which requires a $5,900 wind up alarm clock.
I think the mechanical watch fad is entering its fifteenth minute of fame here. Which is not to say that people will stop owning, enjoying, and appreciating good mechanical watches --- but the rather bizarre and incestuous world of "WIS" (Watch Idiot Savant) collectors is due for a big market correction any moment now. If you want something "authentic", I'd recommend looking at Vortic. I cannot in good conscience recommend the $5,900 HODINKEE wind-up travel watch to my readers. Even if the font is really great. Which, frankly, it does not appear to be.
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At Hagerty this week, I met a real Fox.