Weekly Roundup: Antibiotic Resistance To #TheResistance Edition

And... that's that. Brett Kavanaugh will join the Supreme Court. The balance is now 5-4 on a variety of issues, but not all --- BK is a traditional globalist, not Donald Trump in a black robe. The oldest and most doddering justices on the court are hardcore liberals; Ruth "What Are The Amendements Again?" Bader Ginsburg is 85. She's not on the right side of the American political divide to have a mysterious Scalia/Vince-Foster-style death, but every year after 85 becomes more of a statistical miracle. It could be 6-3 before 2020.
How did this happen? How did Brett Kavanaugh survive the onslaught? How did fifty Senators resist the pressure to vote against him? Why do so many people think this will result in a "red wave" in the midterms, rather than the oft-predicted "Blue Wave" that was going to sweep the Nazis out of power? Why didn't the people who were making the decision listen to Hollywood, Wall Street, George Soros, and the rest of the Swamp?
The answer is simple: Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed for the same reason that so many people die of pneumonia nowadays.
Long-time readers may recall that I was hospitalized for pneumonia five and a half years ago. It was a little worse than I let on at the time. Just a few months after that, I came down with pneumonia again, while I was in the hospital for my January 2014 crash. That time they threw the proverbial kitchen sink at it, including Levaquin, which eventually got it under control at the cost of some utterly insane scratching fits where I managed to put my fingernails into my skin trying to get the bugs out.
When it was all over I spoke to a couple of friends who had been in a similar situation and they told me very similar stories. Pneumonia was deadly in the year 1900; it's now deadly again. Most common antibiotics are now worthless against it. The drug of last resort, colistin, is running out of steam. At some point in the future, pneumonia will be a death sentence. Which means that going to the hospital will be a death sentence, because that's a great place to catch it. Breaking your ribs will be a death sentence, because being unable to breathe deeply is a major cause of pneumonia.
How did this happen? It's simple: farmers have been slathering their livestock in antibiotics to protect their profit margins. Remember that scene in Unforgiven when the little girl tells Clint Eastwood that another of the hogs has "the fever"? That's the kind of thing you prevent with antibiotics. The problem is that you're also creating a fast-forward Darwinian test lab for bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Every year you dose all your chickens with a certain antibiotic, you're helping breed a bacterium that is resistant to that antibiotics. Those infections jump the species barrier into humans... and what happens next is obvious. We return to the medicine of the Victorian Age. Everything gets sprayed with bleach five times a day and it works, oh, I don't know, most of the time. Or some of the time.
Some time in the past twenty years, the Left in this country decided that they were going to start using the vast majority of their antibiotics against a right-wing infection. Entirely unobjectionable centrists like George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney became SEXIST RACIST BIGOTS. George W. Bush, a man so deeply spiritual and guilt-driven that he spends a large amount of his time nowadays running and cycling with the veterans who were injured in his wars, was characterized as BUSHITLER by the mainstream media.
When Trump ran for office, the Left brought out all their mainline antibiotics, but they'd lost effectiveness from having been used on "livestock" like John Kasich and Newt Gingrich. So most people didn't pay attention. Trump's racist? Well, you said that about GWB. Trump is sexist? You said that about Mittens. The American people had built up a resistance to accusations of garden-variety thoughtcrime.
Faced with this disaster, the Left then brought out their drugs of last resort. Trump is a RAPIST! He RAPED Stormy Daniels! He RAPED all sorts of people! His son is also a RAPIST MOLESTER! RAPE! RAPE! RAPE!
The American people, whose memory is not as short as some people would have us believe, thought long and hard about whether Trump needed to RAPE anybody. They listened to the entire "grab 'em by the pussy" speech, which was more of a comment on the perks of fame than any particular insight into Trump's RAPIST GORILLA MINDSET. They considered the fact that this guy has been sleeping with models and actresses for thirty-plus years. And they decided that the allegations were mostly nonsense. The average American man has paid money to see Stormy Daniels naked. Hell, HBO made her a national star a while ago. 99.99999999% of men saw that video and jerked off. Trump went out and banged her. Then he paid her to go away. The idea of giving money after sex to someone who takes money for sex doesn't rustle anybody's jimmies anymore. Not after 40 years of Hollywood propaganda. Not after Pretty Woman. The average American family man of 1950 would have been disgusted, but the Narrative Machine has spent billions of dollars to destroy that man and his point of view.
Which brings us to Justice Kavanaugh. The Left knew that having a 5-4 minority on the court would lead to disaster. After all, when they had a majority on the court they eviscerated Heritage America by all means necessary. A conservative majority court might reverse the process. So they looked into the medicine cabinet... and found nothing. Kavanaugh is a Boy Scout, in the old sense of the word. You might as well try to find something on Mike Pence.
Still, this nomination could not be allowed to proceed. So they brought out the bleach and the colistin and the forceps. They paid protestors. They used the media to direct a laser focus of hatred against Kavanaugh, his family, and anybody who would stand beside him. They went after the families of senators. Last but not least, they dragged Christine Blasey Ford out of her seven-figure house-plus-rental unit in Palo Alto to accuse the man of something that he supposedly did in high school.
Her allegations were, to put it mildly, garbage. They were wildly implausible. They were either not corroborated or directly contradicted by everybody else who could have been involved. Her own family wouldn't stand behind her. Her best friend told the media that none of it was true. The American people had to endure a charade in which we were asked to believe that Ford had a "fear of flying" despite the documented fact that she regularly flew to Tahiti for surfing vacations. We were told that Ford had a second door in her house because of Kavanaugh's abuse when it was obviously and provably for the purpose of renting the place out.
It was the worst possible accusation --- you're a RAPIST! --- backed up by nothing but the polygraph examination of a woman who trains people to beat polygraphs. It was the antibiotic of last resort. And it didn't work. Kavanaugh's approval rate with women went UP during the whole charade. Some of these women were survivors of real sexual abuse who were tired of seeing their personal tragedies used for political gain. Others had been politically "on the fence" but came over to Kavanaugh's side out of sheer disgust with the tactics being used by the progressives to get their way.
Now there is nothing left to be done, and no more medicine in the cabinet for future battles. Nothing, that is, but the obvious message sent to anybody who might have any thought of representing a right-of-center or even centrist opinion in this country: they will ruin your life if you try it. Everybody will be hit with rape allegations from high school or possibly before. Everybody will be called a racist, a bigot, an Islamophobe. From now on, the antibiotics of last resort will be used on EVERYONE. Will they work? We will find out in a month, when the results of the midterms are in. But one thing is certain: the gloves are off now, all the way 'round. We are all now in what Setright called "the sanguinary cockpit of Passchendaele." No quarter asked or given. May God have mercy on us all.
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Brother Bark wrote about SCCA Time Trials.
I wrote about --- wait for it --- SCCA Time Trials. But I also wrote about the morality of running a red light. And my Corvette-blues piece is now on the Web.