We Interrupt This Website Full Of Things I Wrote For An Attempt To Sell You Something I Wrote

If there is one thing I do not know how to do, it is this: conceive, write, and publish a book. The 400-page anthology I assembled back in 2016 is still stuck in my laptop because I haven't made time for the Itchy-And-Scratchy-Movie-style 40% new content, the photo book on Matsumoku-built Electra guitars was stillborn when my photographer got a day job, and the witty little Updike-lite period piece on social-media-driven adultery has been trapped in my backbrain for half a decade. I can crank a novel's worth of words in 30 days but I have to do it 1,500 at a time. Oh well.
Luckily for me, Larry Webster came up with the brilliant idea of having me write one-fourth of a book. Three out of twelve chapters. Easy as pie. Did it Hall-and-Oates-style in a minute. Larry wrote another quarter of the thing, Zach Bowman contributed some heartfelt storytelling, and we arranged a bunch of superstar sidebars from writers, actors, racers, and collectors.
The finished product is called Never Stop Driving.
You can read an interview I did with Larry at Hagerty, and you can buy the book from the Hagerty shop or through Amazon. That's an affiliate link, by the way; why shouldn't I get paid twice, I ask you?
This book would make a great gift for anyone you know who happens to be interested in 192-page books about why auto enthusiasts are just plain better than their auto-unenthusiastic counterparts. What? That's not anyone you know? Then buy it yourself, why dontcha!
In all seriousness, Larry has a wonderful trio of chapters where he candidly discusses what our hobby means to him and how the ability to fix a car helps us work through other, deeper issues in our lives. And my part isn't that bad; like the Itchy And Scratchy Movie, it contains a story I've never told before, one that has nothing to do with single moms from Tennessee or inept parenting-via-bicycle.
Most importantly, if this book does well then I'll get the green light for a darker, more dramatic sequel. Sort of an Empire Strikes Back for auto enthusiasts. I promise you, it will get done before the book on Electra guitars.
But wait, there's more!
Cancel that, there isn't any more. I still hope you buy the book. My name is Jack Baruth and I approve this message!