The Problem With The Blipshift Business Model

Surely this was the perfect Blipshift shirt for me. As an owner of a white 993 (but is that a 964 on the shirt? The side skirts say yes, the bumper says no) who used to live with a bona-fide Vegas stripper, I am at the center of this Venn diagram. But wait a minute. That's not the lap dance they're talking about? And why are 96% of the Blipshift shirts just line drawings of cars with the manufacturer logos removed? What are the ethical and legal implications of that?
I've often thought about submitting a Blipshift design. My best idea so far: a picture of a forged deep-dish Porsche 930 wheel with "FUCH YOU" underneath. Second-best idea: a wrapped stack of $100 bills with "MOTOR TREND CAR OF THE YEAR" next to it. What would you design?