The Junior Classics

We interrupt this extremely sporadic program to bring you a commercial message. Vox Day and Castalia Press are reissuing the Junior Classics of 1918:
The purpose of The Junior Classics is to provide, in ten volumes containing about five thousand pages, a classified collection of tales, stories, and poems, both ancient and modern, suitable for boys and girls of from six to sixteen years of age.
If you know of, or are related to, a child who is primarily consuming kidlit and capeshit, this would be an outstanding antidote. As of right now the Indiegogo campaign has reached 1200% of its original goal.
With a few thousand books in my house, I have enough of the source materials to not "need" this set, but I'm likely to get it anyway. You might want to take a look as well. The campaign is here and while it isn't cheap, to the best of my knowledge Vox has fulfilled or refunded every single one of his campaigns to date. So it's a better shot than the last Kickstarter I funded, to be certain!