Roundup: Rodney Part One, Corvette Part Last
What to read, if you're in the mood to read on a Friday
Two months ago, when I sent my Substack readers Rodney’s Greatest Story Never Told, a few of you had some significant objections to getting a tale of that rather unsavory nature via e-mail. So I’m trying something different this time.
Paid subscribers can read Part One of Rodney’s recent trip to Los Angeles here. Indeed, you are encouraged to do so. But I won’t put it in an email. All subscribers are encouraged to take a look at my latest piece for the Washington Examiner about the ridiculous Corvette EV-SUV. This, of course, has nothing to do with the April Fools’ piece I did about the Corvette earlier this year, which has been deleted from Hagerty’s website but can still be read in its entirety right here. The reader is not in any way encouraged to note how GM is actually risking the Corvette brand by making someone else’s idea of a joke.
This weekend will also feature an Open Thread and a motorcycle review. As always, thank you for reading Avoidable Contact Forever. I take all of you a lot more seriously than GM takes its customers.
I’m sure the Corvette SUV will go as well as the Ford Woman Only Woke Super Duty Launch.
FFS I can't* believe someone is doing EV SUV "Corvette."
It isn't that nothing is sacred, it's that they must defecate on anything anyone loves.
*read can