(Last) Weekly Roundup: The Resolution Of Romance Edition

Apologies for the tardiness of this one --- I'm still catching up on all my unfinished business from the New York Auto Show.
Over at R&T, I wrote about a BMWCCA chapter that banned cars with certain driver-aid features from its trackdays. This article caused a minor tempest in a teapot and the chapter in question has now genuflected before both its national office and BMW-NA, unequivocally revoking the ban. I also wrote a rather deranged think piece on the Dodge Demon. If you think it's loopy, you should see what they removed before publishing it!
For TTAC, I wrote about the differences between towing Europe and America, and I asked the readership about two-tone cars.
This week I'll have a lot more for your amusement, edification, and mild annoyance, both here and in my usual outlets. In the meantime... keep trying!