(Last) Weekly Roundup: The Plural Of Winner Is Winners Edition
Overheating. A radiator cap that committed suicide at 120MPH. Brake pads that went from 65 percent to 5 percent in the same time it took them to go from 100 to 90. Protests. Complaints. Custom T-shirts made at the track to gripe about our team and its ability to drive from 13th place to 3rd. This past weekend at Mid-Ohio had it all. But in the end, we were the overall weekend champions for AER Class 2.
So much of the credit has to go to the crew from Motorsports in Action. Fresh from a Continental Tire series win in their McLaren 570GT4, the team of Jesse Lazare, Carl Hermez, and Eric Kerub arrived to help us beat the odds and win the whole enchilada. Jesse proved that he could drive worn-out tires to the absolute limit, Eric displayed a cool hand under pressure, and Carl combined with my SCCA race wrench Jon Shevel to complete a front brake job in... wait for it... three minutes and forty-eight seconds. That's how you win races.
The photo above is very special to me. It shows our final driver, Ms. Charley Baruth, taking the checkered flag on Sunday to clinch the win. After twelve surgeries and more effort than most people can even imagine, Danger Girl is winning races under her own steam. Now let's see what I accomplished under my own steam. (Hint: not as much.)
For R&T, I discussed what it means to be "intuitive" and teased our readers with a 911 GT3 stick-shift preview.
Brother Bark showed TTAC what it was like to live on the (Ford) Edge.
I gave away the wrong car seat and shone a brighter light on some odd claims about electric-car sales.
This upcoming week we will have a few new pieces right here on this site from some guest writers and from yours truly. Come back later --- maybe I'll have caught up on my sleep!