(Last) Weekly Roundup: Recoil In Horror Edition
This past Saturday was a genuine hassle for me, brother Bark, my son, and Mrs. Baruth; we spent most of it trying to fix a broken recoil starter on the kid's TopKart. I'd already paid to have it fixed; it just wasn't fixed properly. Or at all.
Click the jump to see some video of the kart in motion. I got most of it done but it took Danger Girl to get the spring wound and placed correctly. We'll also cover what Bark and I published last week.
Now if only I can figure out how to mix enough oil so the engine doesn't seize but not so much that it blows oil through the exhaust on fire.
Bark had one not-so-controversial post, about dealer surveys, and one post that proved to be hyper-controversial, since it was about Bark himself.
I didn't get my second TTAC article on the week submitted on time, so all I put on that fine site was a semi-humor piece about fractional SUV ownership.
Luckily for my ever-dwindling bank balance, I was able to get R&T to run a veritable cornucopia of articles:
As always, thank you for reading!