If you've been watching The Crown on Netflix, then you might also have some vague interest in the Royal Mint's new series of silver and gold coins. They're meant to celebrate the Queen's Beasts, the ten sculptures made to represent Elizabeth II's royal lineage, and the two coins that have come out so far (Lion and Griffin) are very high-quality items. In this photo we have a few of the two-ounce silver Griffins resting on the album cover for Lord Huron's Strange Trails.
My love/hate relationship with Genericana aside, I think Lord Huron transcends the folksy-rock label on their second album. There's a lot of Fifties influence in there as well, something I haven't heard from a new rock band in a long time.
And speaking of something else that hasn't been heard in a long time --- let's catch up on that Weekly Roundup, shall we?
Brother Bark offered advice on de-Ionization and contributed a fiction piece about a Southern girl on the skids.
For R&T, I drove a Zimmer QuickSilver across the West and considered game theory as it applies to traffic. The website also has my review of the Volkswagen GRC Beetle from last month's print edition.
At TTAC, I looked at the worst Kia deal I've ever seen, discussed Ford's homages to its side pieces, and asked the B&B about hitching.
It was a busy week, made more so because I spent the entire previous weekend taking that Zimmer from Los Angeles to Houston. This week will, I hope, be a little slower. As always, thank you for reading!
I must have missed this reference since it was a couple years before I discovered Lord Huron. They are definitely one of my favorite bands out right now. Not like many others.