(Last) Weekly Roundup: I'm The Type Of Guy To Say My Lower Back Is Killin' Me

Somehow I survived our trip to Woodward. Even got the (not so) old Haro FST off the ground in various places around the park. Pulled a few X-ups over the small box ramps, that sort of thing. John did great as well --- he was very brave about the various obstacles and he actually jumped off the top of the 12 foot resi ramp, sliding all the way to halfway up the other side.
The only injury either of us sustained: I fell on some ice outdoors and cracked my head pretty hard, after the parks were closed. Makes sense; I've never left Woodward uninjured. And my back hurts so much I can't stand or walk without pain. It was too bad to sleep after the first day but I wasn't gonna not ride just because of that. So now it's much worse. So what.
Click the jump to see what Bark and I wrote last week, hurting nothing but a few feelings along the way.
Brother Bark recommended a sedan and slapped Ford on the wrist.
At R&T, I sobbed over the loss of Victory motorcycles and wondered why anybody would even enter the car business.
For TTAC, I took a sociological look at the Honda Odyssey, told a tale of witnessing an intervention, and asked the readers how they'd choose a "quickest vehicle".
That's all, folks!