Last Call For American Stretch

It didn't work out. Last year, I told you how the nice people at Dearborn Denim managed to preserve their arrangement with Denim North America. Today, I got an email telling me that "DNA" had cancelled the arrangement. Dearborn has seven rolls of the fabric left; when they are sold, they will be purchasing from Cone Mills. You know, that Cone Mills. The ones who got moved to Mexico by their private-equity strip-and-sale.
If you want to try Dearborn before it's too late, click here. You get ten bucks off, and I get ten bucks' worth of credit towards my next Dearborn purchase. What's next for the company? According to the email I received, they are going to work on creating their own denim in Chicago, "but it is at least a four year process." Let's hope they make it.
The last remaining denim mill in the United States is Mount Vernon Mills, which supplies LC King --- but LC King pants are very traditional, stiff-then-shrink affairs. The Dearborn Stretch Denim was a different animal, very compatible with a bike-to-work or physical-labor lifestyle. I'll miss it.