Housekeeping: It's Getting Better (And This Site Is Getting More Popular) All The Time

It's been a pretty good two weeks for my kid. He made his BMX main and took second despite the fact that he was the youngest kid on the gate by almost two years. He set fast time of the week at our local indoor kart track. His flag football team completed an undefeated season in which he made a major percentage of the points and plays. We took our first "long" road ride together on our mountain bikes, covering 13 miles in about an hour and ten minutes.
Compared to what's going on with this blog, however, John's accomplishments are, like, totally boring, man!
The last five months here at Riverside Green have also been the five all-time best months for traffic and engagement. We cleared the 2.5 million lifetime-visit mark a few days back and we are closing in on that elusive million-visits-per year goal. By every measure of user engagement, we are far ahead of the major automotive sites in North America. Our demographics are without peer. Were we a print magazine, we would have a big glossy cover and a genuinely offensive per-issue price.
I credit this success to the hard work of our guest contributors. Of course, Mr. Klockau is foremost among them, but we've had outstanding efforts from nearly a dozen people in the past year. We'll have two more new writers appearing in the upcoming week. If you'd like to write something for the site, let me know in the comments and I'll reach out to you.
As always, thank you for reading, commenting, and contributing. This site works best when it's a dialogue, not my personal monologue.