Housekeeping: If You're Buying Anything Music-Or-Audio-Related

I got a call today from my pal Matt Emick at Sweetwater. Apparently one of you magnificent bastards bought a set of Westone UM2s from him and mentioned this site. Many, many thanks for this. I've been working with Matt for eight years now; he's sold me everything from guitar strings to a Gibson R9 Collector's Choice and a PRS Private Stock. In all of that time he's never failed to answer a question, find a particular item, or cut me a brilliant deal on something that I absolutely, positively did not need!
Contact Matt here. Full disclosure: I don't get anything from Matt or from Sweetwater if you deal with him. I just think that you will benefit from the interaction. The primary thing you can do to make my life better, other than reading and commenting on here, is to join Massdrop and buy something with this link. Every so often, Massdrop sends me fun stuff like titanium sporks thanks to your patronage.