Housekeeping: Cash Me Outside

The first (and probably last) recipient of the Wes Siler Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Write As Bad As The Grownups Scholarship is the hardworking and talented Connor Sahs. Early praise for Connor's work from my readers includes phrases like:
That 16 year old has a bright future in writing... The kid wins in a landslide... hire the kid... the high school kid turned a wasted opportunity into something thoroughly enjoyable... Connor Sachs did a great job. Please give him some space on your site. I'd enjoy hearing what he has to say... I just want to reiterate that this young man is *way* ahead of the game... At the end of the day, I'd go on a road trip with the kid... I wish Mr. Sahs the best of luck using his talent... Made me want to buy an old car and take the trip myself... He also has a bright future ahead of him as a copy editor/journalist, should he wish to pursue it...
This morning, I sent Connor a hundred dollars, which is known as a "Benjamin" in the parlance of the youngsters. That money came directly from our AdSense revenue, which comes directly from the readers' collective willingness to deal with advertising that offers them everything from knockoff watches to erectile-dysfunction pills. Oh, about that last: A month ago, I turned off the "targeted" feature of AdSense in an effort to protect our readers' privacy. So anything you see now should be random. If it's not, let me know.
Check Connor out here, and look for him in these e-pages over the months to come.