Autocross Recap: WOR Points #2

Once more into the breach! After successfully avoiding the Cult Of the Cone for something like half a decade, I've had two regional events in eight days courtesy of Danger Girl's autocross enthusiasm.

Note the presence of both headlights! We'll see how long that lasts.
There were 44 entrants for this horsepower-friendly course layout that ended with a run around Turn 3 of Kil-Kare Speedway and a blast down the straight between 3 and 2. (Yeah, running in reverse.) Charley easily won the Ladies class, for two wins in two events.

I didn't have a clean run all morning but managed to catch up on the seventh and final run to take a narrow third of eight. As always, however, the Street (formerly Stock) classes tend to have a large percentage of the hotshoes in a region. So I was fifth overall for the event in PAX:

Note the brand-new 1LE LT1 SS in second place there. I think they are going to have to readjust that F Street PAX a bit if everybody brings a 2017 1LE to Lincoln.

I was also fifth in RAW time overall, behind the same dude in the same Superformance S1 I used to run against when I had my Superformance S1. Michael has managed to fix a lot of the car's issues in the past fifteen years --- it now runs without fenders and with massive front camber for the oversized Hoosiers --- but it kept stalling out in line. Depressing to see that those cars never evolved from being complete pieces of shit.

I was the starter for the event and I decided I would wave the flag for everybody instead of just waving them forward as is typically done at autocross events. The novices liked this. The old hands were thoroughly annoyed. So that's two reasons to keep doing it then.
Now that I'm in my forties I find the time spent working the event to be less annoying. When I started autocrossing fifteen years ago I couldn't wait for the work assignment to be over so I could get back to driving. I don't feel that way anymore. It's nice to stand there and watch the various cars run. We'll see if I still feel this way at the end of Danger Girl's season. I have the feeling that we'll have a lot of trophy glassware in the house by the end of the year. Speaking of: the Western Ohio Region has a neat trophy system. 5th and 4th are shot glasses, 3rd and 2nd are tumblers, and 1st was a mug. So I have a tumbler, but I'd really like to have a shot glass. Might have to tank that last run when we come back!