Anticipation Of A New Comic Book's Arrival, The
The author currently known as "Vox Day" has linked to us in the past, so we're returning the favor. Click the image above to order his new "alt-right" comic book. I will admit that my personal history with comic books began and ended with the Transformers comics thirty-four years ago, but I know that they are important to a lot of people and I think Vox is doing a public service here by offering an alternative to obsese GI Joe. And if you haven't read SJWs Always Lie, it's worth a look. Note that both the image and the link above are part of Riverside Green's Amazon Affiliate program. The purpose of this program is to raise enough money to buy a blimp so I can use one of my domain names to make a very certain type of pornography. Thanks, as always, for reading --- and I will award Worthless Internet Points to the first reader who recognizes the allusion being made in the title.