If you’re going to be a writer who tackles any topic more human than “The Top Ten Celebrity Cabanas”, you’re going to run into what I call The Lightswitch Problem, in honor of a fellow we used to call “Lightswitch Larry”. It goes something like this: As your writing career continues, the probability that one of your articles will irretrievably piss off a loyal reader approaches 1. Maybe you take too liberal a position on some law-and-order issue, or maybe you’re too strident about “all lives matter”, or maybe you just suggest that trucks should stay out of the left lane at which point you get 141 e-mails from truckers telling you to kill yourself.
For that reason, I truly cherish all of my readers who say “I don’t agree with you on x, but I’m still reading.” Thank you. One of you is worth ten thousand people who think I’m infallible when I praise the C7 Corvette but then wish for the violent death of my child when I point out how undersized the front tires on the C8 Z51 are.
Some of the below articles may test your faith and/or your lightswitch capability. Thank you in advance for being able to evaluate my work by seeing the whole elephant, not as a blind man with his thumb in the beast’s rectum.